Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Blog about Twitter

A twitter discussion is very different from a Blackboard discussion or even an in-class discussion. Twitter discussions are much more informal and in a way restricting because you are only limited to 140 characters. You need to find a way to express all your thoughts within those limits so often you might use short hand or slang to cut down on your post. You can retweet something you agree with instead of writing your own post about a similar subject matter or you can comment on someone’s post. Lastly Twitter discussions can be seen by the public or your friends depending on how you set up your account. A Blackboard discussion is more formal. Like Twitter it is done online through the internet. However, Blackboard discussions do not limit you on how much you can write. You also can comment on your peer’s post. Unlike Twitter posts, Blackboard posts are only seen by those who are in your class. In-class discussions are very different. Unlike Twitter and Blackboard discussions, in-class discussions are done in class. You must be physically present and participate to be a part of an in-class discussion. In-class discussions are not done through the internet and you can’t post comments. Instead you just speak out your thoughts. 

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