Tuesday, February 28, 2017

BLOG: Blog v Wiki

Blogs and Wikis are two new forms of communication that are being widely used today. Blogs are personal news sites about whatever the blogger wishes to put out. It can be about the daily life of a mom, how your business is doing, and even what is going on around in your neighborhood. After you make a post people can read it and comment on what they think about what you said. Commenting on someone’s blog is a way of collaborating. In the New York times article by Michael Wilson people came together and participated in a blog and that led to the unveiling of a crime. One reason a blog is so effective according to Katherine Khatari is because “People don’t like to fight alone. There’s strength in numbers, you know? Another way of collaborating is by creating a blogroll. A blogroll is when you link other bloggers who talk about similar subject matters to your blog.

            Wikis are websites that help companies or a group of people organize information. They are the best way for many people to pitch in ideas about one subject matter because it will all be organized right there for you. According to Gradiner Morse “Wikis are great tools for helping people to come to consensus quickly, whether about what to put on a meeting agenda or how best to meet customers’ needs. Also, anyone can edit the information with permission. The only problem that with a wiki is only one person can edit at a time. A new use for using a wiki can be to peer edit your paper assignments. Because people can easily edit a wiki it is a good way to get help when you need your paper edited and revised.


Morse, Gardiner. Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales on making the most of company wikis. Harvard Business Review, April 2008.  

Wilson, Michael. Brooklyn Blog Helps Lead to Drug Raid. The New York Times, June 26, 2008. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/06/26/nyregion/26bayridge.html  

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Project Description

My project topic is “Blogs vs Wikis: How Similar are They?”. I chose this topic because we will be creating a blog and a wiki in this course. This is a great opportunity to get first hand insight on how blogs and wikis are similar and different from each other. I will be researching what a blog is and what a wiki is. In addition, I will explore how both are used, their educational purposes, and if they are moral or not. I will also identify the pros and cons of blogs and wikis. Another area I will examine is the impact blogs and wikis had on our society specifically in regards to education. I will use our class notes and the library databases to gather information for this project. I also hope to add my own experiences and insight into this paper because I will be learning about blogs and wikis in this class and getting firsthand knowledge on them.